Friday, September 24, 2010

Mrs. Morecraft's Writing Contest Rules (and more)

We want to glorify God in the study of writing and all else we do. We're excited about what we have coming up next week, the first of two sessions on writing poetry and journaling, along with additional input for our Grammar Sidebar. We're working on having a special guest who will read one of his and our favorite poems during the class! Be sure to tune in for this very special event.

Please do call Vision Forum's costumer service department if you are registered for the webinar and haven't received your link to hear this week's -- or last week's -- recorded session.
 I highly recommend a few books to help you with important areas of writing, such as style, grammar, imagery, word choice and much more. They are listed here on my site. All you have to do is click on the link and you'll be directed to the page on Amazon where you can order the book. I'll be putting a few more up from time to time, so check back.
Mrs. Morecraft's Writing Contest
 submit entries to 
you MUST write 'Contest Entry for Oct. 14' 
in the subject line of the e-mail with your submission attached
in order for your entry to be accepted.

Rules and guidelines:
  1. You may submit an original short story, a poem, an article, or song.
  2. Word limit, 1,000 words, (use your computer's word count feature).
  3. The topic may be fictional or based on reality. (Remember to write with a Christian mindset, so guard your heart and words accordingly. Listen to Week I of the webinar for guidelines in this regard).
  4. Please indicate your name and age on your entry.
  5. Prizes will be awarded to the top three writers in each category and age group.
  6.  Entry deadline is October 14th. No late entries will be accepted.
  7. One entry per person.
  8. Please send your entry to   
  9. No reply will be sent to acknowledge your entry, due to the number of people who may submit entries -- sorry.
  10. Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges. If in attendance at the SAICFF (San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival), the prizes will be awarded during the festival by Bertha Jean herself! If not in attendance, you will receive your prize in the mail. Winning entries will be featured on one of the last two sessions of the webinar.
  11. Judging will be unbiased as each entry will be given a number so that the identity of each entrant will be unknown until judging is complete.


Orenczaks said...

Thank you for posting the rules! What a wonderful contest. Your writing classes are great!
-Orenczak girls

lizzytheteagirl said...

Can't wait!!

lizzytheteagirl said...

I can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

I've entered! I can't wait!

Lauren Ashley said...

You said the prizes will be awarded to the top three writers in eace catergory (story, poem, article, and song I assume) and age group.

How are the age groups divided?
